Valentine’s Banquet
Where: RLC Fellowship Hall
Menu: Grilled steak, baked potato, salad, rolls, dessert, and tea.
Cost: $40.00 per couple
If you plan to attend, please sign-up by Sunday, February 2nd. Money should be turned in to Mrs. Frankie Hasty by Wednesday, February 5th. We are planning to have a slideshow and are asking that you share a few pictures of you and your spouse at the beginning of your marriage and now. Please email your pictures to lnwallace@rlcmarion.org. If you and your spouse wish to attend, please sign-up down below…
Sign-up for the Valentine’s Banquet below…
Our Vision
We believe in the un-compromised Word of God and the Power of the Holy Spirit. We desire that the broken and hurting can come and receive from God exactly what they need. We desire that those who have been in the faith for years can come and learn and grow. We would like to personally invite everyone to come out and join us as we worship God and learn more about the Word of God.
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